All staff members have the ability to approve YouTube videos for student viewing.
Approving videos:
For staff to approve videos for student access (, staff must be logged into their BSD YouTube account through Google. Staff members then navigate to YouTube and the content, if the content has not previously been approved by another staff member, a banner will appear below the video that states "Video is not approved for" Click the Approve button.
Restricted videos are automatically filtered, if a restricted video is attempted to be accessed this message will appear:
If a video has been approved but contains mature content, this message will appear:
Removing videos:
For staff to restrict videos for student access (, staff must be logged into their BSD YouTube account through Google. Staff members then navigate to YouTube and the content, if the content has not previously been restricted by another staff member, a banner will appear below the video that states "Remove video/channel approval for" Click the Click the Remove button to restrict student access.