How to Add Keyboarding Without Tears (KWT) app to student MyApps page
1. Have student login to the device
- For Chromebooks students can login with Google credentials, or their MyApps QuickCard
- For Windows devices students can login by typing their Google credentials
The MyApps dashboard should automatically launch for the student.
2. Click on the "+" sign in upper left corner of the MyApps dashboard and choose Boise Schools Library
3. Search for "keyboarding" and click the "Add" button for Keyboarding Without Tears
4. Exit the App Library and students should see the app icon on their dashboard. Click the app and it will auto launch into Keyboarding Without Tears in a new window.
Staff, see also how to add an app to your class in this article Teacher Console & My Backpack.
If further hep is needed regarding the KWT app, please submit a Help Desk ticket for Educational Applications.