Logging In (Mobile)
Boise School District is excited to offer ClassLink for all Staff and Students. BSD branded our ClassLink - "MyApps" . This is not available for Parents.
- Have an iPad or Apple Phone? Head over to the Apple App Store and search for ClassLink LaunchPad
- Have an Android device? Search for the ClassLink LaunchPad App on the Google Play Store!
You can use the app to access the systems Boise Schools provides in one location, the same applications, files, and classes identical to the web version of MyApps on your District devices. All the BSD Apps remain located within the MyApps App, eliminating the need to install many apps taking up your phone/tablet memory and battery life.

On the next screen there are two options to sign in:
- Students grades 4-12 and Staff/Substitutes select sign in with ADFS using your Google account credentials,
- Students grades Kinder-3rd and where applicable can use the QuickCard option.
My Apps View (Mobile)
My Apps view is the view seen after logging into the ClassLink app. This gives you instant access to the resources provided to you by BSD with a single tap on the icon.
Switching between Apps (Mobile)
After opening a few applications, a counter will appear in the top right corner. This represents the number of open apps. To switch between open apps, click on that icon.
Note: By using the Classlink Launchpad mobile app you can keep BSD systems separate from the listed personal accounts added within your mobile device.