Substitute How to'/Classroom Preparation/Training Files

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This link provides information on requirement for school personnel to allow Substitutes access to Infinite Campus.  Substitute Nursing staff please send an email through the nursing department.

How to access the District Frontline-Absence Management system:

Easiest method while at home, using Google Chrome, open an incognito window (keyboard shortcut=,Ctrl+Shift+N), go to the top right corner, select Sign in, enter your District Google credentials, after a successful login click the 3x3 box (Google Apps button) in the upper right corner that is the Google Apps button, scroll down near the bottom you will find a Frontline purple and white icon, when clicking that will auto log in and you will be ready to use Frontline, Absence Management.  

Additional information: Here are two videos that describe how to access the District Absence Management system: please notice that in both videos the browser profile is using an INCOGNITO browser window.

Video one

Video two

  • Open Google Chrome, open an incognito window (keyboard shortcut=,Ctrl+Shift+N)
  • Enter the web address,
  • On the following screen DO NOT ENTER USERNAME OR PASSWORD (see picture)
  • SELECT the link under the credentials field that reads: Or Sign In with Organization SSO
    • If a username and password auto fill then start over and use Google Chrome incognito window.
  • Enter your Boise Schools Email address in the Organization sign-in; you will see a green check mark appear. You will then be prompted with a Google screen to enter your Boise Schools Email address, hit NEXT, then enter your Boise Schools Email password.
  • You will then be logged into the BSD Frontline education app.

To use time and attendance for clock in purposes the device you are using must be connected to the BSD-Guest wireless. Classified staff can also still use the numerical credentials to clock in if you do not have your badge to swipe at the clock-in kiosks.
Frontline phone service has not changed: FRONTLINE Phone Number: 1-800-942-3767 then Phone access requires your numerical phone ID and 4 digit PIN.

Absence Management Substitute Calling Times There are two (2) calling periods with regards to calling substitutes to fulfill jobs. For additional information on how to use Frontline, after you are logged into Frontline in the upper right of the window you will see a ? in a circle, there you will find tutorials on how to use Frontline.

Human Resources Department Substitute Information:

This link may be found at  / Our District / Human Resources / Job Center / Substitutes

Substitute Classroom:

The following links will take you to our Substitute classroom information.



Please navigate to the following link for additional classroom training:



Frequently asked question:

Question:  'I am substituting for staff and I need access to Infinite Campus. Please help'

Answer: The IT department does not authorize access to Infinite Campus, the IT department grants School Site approved access, this must be done in writing via a help ticket at

Here are details the Infinite Campus team needs to be able to grant rights.

Nursing substitutes go through the department head.




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